Terry....liked your post very much...To me, Jesus is the foremost apostate and also our example..
I disagree with shining one.. about Jesus being God...
a simple premise for your consideration .
is a christian required to be a footstep follower of jesus?.
are true christians required to imitate jesus' behavior and state of mind as closely as humanly possible?.
Terry....liked your post very much...To me, Jesus is the foremost apostate and also our example..
I disagree with shining one.. about Jesus being God...
just wanted to get your input on these thoughts before i shared it with any jw's.
1. how do you view jesus?
2. do you consider him to be the perfect man?
Hey there:
Well, my take on Jesus is:
1. Then and now... I think Jesus was and is a man in the fallen flesh..like us. But never intentionally sinned. Otherwise how could he be tested like we ourselves.. and he would have stood out as very unusual, if he was perfect..
2. I do think God allows us to have a certain amount of worship of reverence to him.. But our main worship should go to God..as he gave Jesus everything he has.
i was just reminiscing about things i remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping.
a person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc.
an elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.. so my question is why doesn't this also apply to the governing body?
Hello Mo...
You were saying:
How will the witnesses answer when he asks why they didn't use the brain he gave them? How will they answer when he asks them why they treated people like they did-----something he never asked them to do? How can 6mill people be without the ability to think??????
I think in Luke 12:45 onward..holds the answer of what God will say to them on judgement day:
The scripture talks about the evil slave who got tired of waiting for Jesus to come, and began to beat his fellow slaves...in vs. 45. Then in vs. 46, it reads: "the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting him and in an hour that he does no know, and he will punish him with the greatest severity and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones."
Then it reads, that, some would be beaten with many strokes.. and another group, who did not understand will be beaten with few strokes.
So, seems that God will look into the heart of the dub..and not judge all dubs the same... Seems like some will get some slack.
witnesses always use this argument to provide proof of the need to 'examine one's religion'.;.
"sincerity alone will not please god, but worshipping him in 'truth' will".....yet when faced with clear wrong doctrine or chronology or misapplied scripture the common witness reply is to 'leave it in jehovah's hands and he will correct it in his due time'.
if he can correct it within the religion of jehovah's witnesses - why can't he correct the same problems within the other churches?.
Jeff.... I think this is a majorly important issue... Because as a witness, I was always told and taught that God doesn't care how sincere you are.. You have to have accurate knowledge... and accurate knowledge was all that mattered..not sincerity.
Truthfully, I can't imagine a God who wouldn't care how sincere you are, but only cared about knowledge.
There is the scripture in I Cor. 13..where it says, tongues, knowledge and prophesy would be done away with. But all that remains is faith, hope and love..the greatest being love.
To me, since knowledge and prophesy being done away with, means God doesn't give a hoot about accurate knowledge...but rather faith, hope and love.
i have more and this may not be the best organized but it will certainly give you the idea that the society outwardly encourages you to check things for your self, well at least they did....
*** km 8/87 p. 3 use the index to grow spiritually ***
6 proverbs 2:4, 5 encourages us to keep searching for knowledge of god just as we would search for hid treasure.
Dear Rasillon:
I was a witness for 26 years until Sept. of 2005 and a full time pioneer. The articles you quoted are kinda a facade, they put on. They say one thing but mean another.
They really, really, really don't want you coming to any conclusion different, about anything than what has been taught thru the Governing body. And if you do come to a different conclusion, you will be labeled an apostate or disfellowshipped or both.
i had an experience a couple of days ago.
me and my bf broke up he is a jw and i am not.
we were togehter for a while and it was a good relationship and out of the blue he says to me i think its better if we just break up.
Hello Jade:
I was a JW for 26 years.. Truth is, he's not allowed to date you. Or anyone who isn't part of the religion. Definately, he's not allowed to have any sex. I wouldn't recommend becoming a witness...because they are a cult... And I truly believe they don't have God's blessing or approval. Feel free to message me.. about anything at all about their doctrines.. I was a full time pioneer.. just back in August.. so, I do know what's going on. May God bless you with your problem.
i have a question regarding jw doctrine:.
what is jesus?
i went to one memorial and he was described as the "perfect man," like adam.
Hi Jstalin,
You said:
What is Jesus? I went to one memorial and he was described as the "perfect man," like Adam. However, JWs don't believe in a soul, so when Jesus died, what happened to him? He was resurrected, and currently resides as the King of Heaven, yet, what form does he take? Is he still a human, or is he some sort of soul being? Can anyone help me out?
I was a witness for 26 years and went for the WT's def..Here are my new ideas..
1. Jesus was God's first born, creation, spirit creature.
2. God made a child with genes, egg of Mary, sperm of Joseph. An child in the fallen flesh.
3. The spirit (with personality) was put in the baby Jesus...
4. Then his spirit (with personality) went back to heaven
5. As of now his spirit (with personality) has been put in another imperfect man, in the fallen flesh, who is getting ready to take over rulership of the world..
i fly the flag, give blood and vote at each and every election.
I'll say whatever I can to help people break the enslavement to the WT.
I'd conduct 100 studies a week if it would help.....
okay... i was just sitting here reading through the postings, and got the thought.... how many different 'organizations' has the wtbts formed?
i know that they have created several in the last few years... but am not sure what are their names (and don't really care, that much).. if i am not mistaken... are there 10 'leaders' of the 'society' now?
hahahahaha... .
Jim, Interesting thought...I think that beast has something to do with governments...but good thought....Do you think the 'man of lawlessness' could be partially at least, the WT...? I really think the WT fits the 'evil slave' perfectly and the antitypical, 'peg of Shebna'. Did you ever look that up in Is. 22;15-25? What do you think of that?
we all know that wtbs does not put a lot of emphasis on jesus, yet when needed highlight his example and the importance of his name despite all the scriptural reference about how jehovah made him important, superior and have alot of authority, yet when you read his life course he took all emphasis off himself and put it on his father.. with that being said, the way the wtbs is putting him in the background so to speak, isnt this the way jesus would want?
Hello Architect:
I agree with you and the WT on this....
With that being said, the way the WTBS is putting him in the background so to speak, isnt this the way Jesus would want?
As much as we love and adore Jesus, I don't think we should ever forget that God, gave Jesus everything that he has....